
Time For A Change

The Time For Change Is Now.....

Junior Open Wheel Talent: Over the last year and a half I've enjoyed keeping everyone up to date with news from around the junior formula world. What started out as a trial run has become a serious hobby for me. Obviously, I enjoy what I'm doing very much and I want to continue to help promote drivers and teams in the junior formula ranks. I've had a few different offers from the racing community to try and do something else or write something else, but at least for now, I've decided I want to keep doing my own thing with Junior Open Wheel Talent.

A New URL: My site address has always been juniorformula.blogspot.com ---- which has been great. But it's time for an upgrade. Many of you have already inquired about a traditional (more professional) domain name. It's finally time to take that step. From now on, you can refer to www.junioropenwheeltalent.com for your junior formula addiction. If you enjoy the content here and have the site bookmarked, make sure to update to the new url. If you are a subscriber, the RSS feed will automatically direct you to the new site.

Why The Change? When I first started the Junior Open Wheel Talent Blog... I wanted to keep everything simple. I wanted to build my audience with content not appearance. Your readership has been great and I feel that I owe it to you (the readers) and myself to take the next step in offering you a more professional blog. I've been working with Forrest Stewart, a web designer who has a very impressive resume. The new site is sort of a work-in-progress as we fine tune everything. In the long run, I hope you will all be very pleased with the move.

Content: Some of you might be asking, "Will the content change?". No, the content will be exactly the same, except better. The new site will have advertisements and advertising space for interested drivers/teams. In the past, I've been hesitant to use any advertisements, but running the site takes a considerable amount of time and effort. I'm hoping to increase my visibility at the race track as well, which will be funded by the advertisements on the blog.

Your Feedback: I'm constantly working on new improvements and ideas for my coverage, so stay tuned for some exciting changes. In the meantime, make sure to send me an email and let me know what you think of the new site. I always enjoy suggestions for improved coverage, or inside information about a driver, team, or series. You can contact me at Ryan@JuniorOpenWheelTalentDotCom.

All of you have been a big part of this site's development and I hope to continue that. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you at the new site: www.junioropenwheeltalent.com


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